Imagine lying in bed reading or watching TV with nothing blocking your view. Then imagine turning on your side, starting to dose off, rolling over sleeping on your stomach, all while being treated for your sleep apnea. With the Dream Family of sleep devices, you don’t have to imagine it – you can do it. This is a result of the hose attachment being on top rather than in front of your face, so you won’t feel its weight or restriction when you turn in bed. “After putting Dream Wear on the first time, I just loved it. There is a lot more freedom of movement with it – it’s one of the best masks I’ve ever used” John H.
The Fully Adjustable Dream Station and Fitted Masks help to reduce the non-compliance figures that exits with previously developed models. Put simply they are just more comfortable and therefore better treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea – you can’t treat a disease if you can’t tolerate the therapy ………
Prior to the Dream Wear line of sleep products 50% of patients failed to comply with their PAP Therapy after one year and 83% failed after five years. Although, by any
means, not a walk in the park you can expect us to always make recommendations that we feel best treat your disease, but you get to make the choice. RestfulSleep and Dr. Bouzis, not only can provide CPAP but are also providers of the most commonly used alternative to CPAP – The Oral Appliances.