Dr. John L. Bouzis has limited his practice to treating those with Sleep Apnea and is committed to changing the fact that our present system leaves it 90% undiagnosed. Get tested in the comfort of your home now ............... Then Get Treated ......
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PAT-based & AHI based on total sleep time.
Based on PAT, Actigraphy, & Oximetry.
Multi-night evaluation Capturing the inter-night variability
of Sleep & avoiding a misdiagnosis.
The NightOwl
A Fully Disposable Non contamination risk. Test up to 12 nights with a single nonreturnable device that you keep.
With CPAP There Is Efficacy & We Chase Compliance ...................
What Does That Mean You Ask? For those that can wear their CPAP it works every time with rare exceptions - but 50% fail their therapy after 1 yr and that increases to 83% at 5 years .....
With Oral Appliance Therapy There Is Compliance But We Chase Efficacy .......
Said another way, appliances are easier to wear but require careful patient selection because what works for one patient
may not work for another ..............
Get The Sleep Now
That You Both Deserve !!!
77% of those with Severe Obesity
73% with Congestive Heart Failure
72% of those with Type 2 Diabetes
50% of those with Atrial Fibrillation
35% of those with High Blood Pressure
30% of those with Coronary Artery Disease Suffer With Sleep Apnea
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