Dr. Bouzis has limited his practice to Sleep Disordered Breathing (Sleep Apnea) and Craniofacial Pain or TMJ. These disorders are related in that if you don’t sleep well you are more prone to chronic pain and those in pain don’t sleep well.
An individual with Sleep Apnea has a 68% increased chance of having a Stroke, a 58% increased chance of suffering from Depression and a 60% increased chance of having Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes. 20% of the population has Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Sleep Disturbed Breathing yet has no clue of its danger or existence because it remains 90% undiagnosed. Those with no Sleep Apnea and an AHI less than five have 96% chance of living another 18 years while those with an AHI over 30, placing them in the severe range of the disease, have less than a 60% chance of living another 18 years.
7% of those with Severe Obesity suffer with sleep apnea
73% of those with Congestive Heart Failure suffer with sleep apnea
72% of those with Type 2 Diabetes suffer with sleep apnea
50% of those with Atrial Fibrillation suffer with sleep apnea
35% of those with High Blood Pressure suffer with sleep apnea
30% of those with Coronary Artery Disease suffer with sleep apnea