In these diseases, the involvement of the respiratory muscles leads to a progressive impairment of respiratory function with serious disabilities. Therefore, in neuromuscular diseases, a regular assessment of lung function must be carried out, including oximetry(oxygen saturation). Oximetry plays an important role in neuromuscular diseases. In such diseases, it is useful to check the extent of respiratory failure under resting conditions. However, sleep oximetry(SpO2 during sleep) is important from the start to check for a possible occurrence of sleep-related disorders. The CIRCUL™ Rring is able to detect prolonged deaturation during sleep, which is otherwise only measurable with complex instruments such as polysomnographs. In the most advanced stages of neuromuscular diseases, apnea also occurs during sleep and causes rapid dearestions of less than 2.5 minutes. By analyzing these types of desaturation (ODI) can help to obtain an initial assessment of the apnea image.